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That's how the structure of narrative text?

Written By Let Loving Earth on Thursday, August 9, 2012 | 5:09 AM

Do you know how the story developed? Each text must have a certain structure how a text is formed. Then, how the generic structure of a narrative text? a narrative text generally have ata consists of three main parts. Usually a narrative or story begins with the Orientation, which is the part where the author or authors describe the world for the story. In this section we introduced where and when events occur. In this stage also created a mood, impression, or the atmosphere that makes the reader want to continue to follow the story. Orientation or introduction phase can be shortened, but also written bija long enough until a few pages panganya.
In the middle of the story biasanaya then shown what is called a Complication or problem, namely the part where the main character faces obstacles in achieving its goals. In this section, the characters begin to experience conflict. Complication is what makes the story more interesting, because the figures have twists and turns of the problem. Complications is a reflection of real life, and is a part that can assure readers that any problems will be found a way out.
A good narrative text and can satisfy the readers of the story is the existence of a resolution, that is the way kelaur and problems faced by the resolution. Resolution of the problems facing the main character solved. In this section are generally of a story or narrative text has two trends, namely the story with a happy ending (happy ending) and or end the story with sadness (sad ending), but there is also a narrative text that allow the reader or listener to guess the ending.
Apart from the structure of the text, from the standpoint of language features, narrative text kahs also characterized as follows.
  1. Participants are specific and often individual
  2. Many action verbs (material processes), and there is also the use of verbal and mental processes.
  3. Usually use the past tense
  4. Many use lingking words relating to time
  5. Often include dialogue and tense will probably change
  6. Descriptive language used to create images in the mind of the reader.
  7. Can be written in first person (I) or third (he, she, They).
5:09 AM | 2 comments | Read More

Turn Off Sleep Improve Body Health

Written By Let Loving Earth on Monday, August 6, 2012 | 9:46 AM

Dark night secretly collaborated with tubuh.Hanya in a state that really dark body produces melatonin, a hormone in the immune system is able to fight and prevent many diseases including breast cancer and prostate cancer. Day in the evening - the slightest light causes the production of the hormone melatonin stops.

in addition to saving energy by turning off lights when you sleep is a natural way to improve health
Biologist Joan Roberts discovered this secret after conducting experiments on animals. When the animals were given artificial light at night and day, melantoninnya decreased and weakened immune systems. Apparently, light lamps - as well as TV - causes hormones to be very tired. Hence, in addition to saving energy by turning off lights when you sleep is a natural way to improve the health of the body.
The types of sleep disorders that can be experienced by anyone include:

Jet-lag. A change in the time between day and night due to sudden journey by plane. This can disrupt the human body's circadian rhythms.

Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Caffeine is too much nicotine can cause difficulty sleeping. This condition often experienced by coffee drinkers, smokers, and alcoholics.

Environmental factors. Thumping loud music, the sound of a noisy factory, sleeping with the lights on bright, will cause the sleeping person becomes impaired.

Meanwhile, the causes of sleep disorders in women are:

Psychological stress. A family member dies, the exam, traffic accidents, broken love. Statistically, 34% of women often experience this compared to 22% in males. Possibly because women are more sensitive.

Sleep disturbances partners. Approximately 17% of women complained of trouble sleeping because of his sleeping partner has a habit of snoring and only 5% of men complained of similar causes.

Night workers, hospital nurses, night guards, factory workers. Those who work at night Day was more often experience sleep disturbances. The female night workers are more often disturbed menstrual cycle, and is difficult to conceive.

Associated with menstruation. The hormone progesterone is causing a sense of calm and drowsiness. The hormone progesterone will increase at the time of ovulation, which is approximately 12-14 days of the menstrual cycle. Some women will experience a sense of weakness and excessive drowsiness. Sleep disturbance began when it began to decline in progesterone, which is several days before the coming of menstruation (Days 22-28 of the menstrual cycle). Women will often wake up, sleep less soundly, or who do not wake up feeling refreshed.

Associated with pregnancy. During pregnancy also changes occur that can disrupt sleep. At 1-3 months of pregnancy, progesterone begins to rise, causing drowsiness in some women. The uterus from pressing the bladder, so that pregnant women often wake up several times to urinate. At 4-6 months of pregnancy, progesterone began to stabilize. The uterus is no longer urgent bladder. Pregnant women will experience periods of sleep are most enjoyable. There is almost no sleep disturbance at this gestational age. At 7-9 months of pregnancy, sleep disturbance is taking place. The existence of a burning sensation in the chest, chills, nasal congestion, leg cramps, more frequent urination would interfere with the quality and quantity of sleep pregnant women. Approximately 97% of women will more often wake up at midnight and difficult to sleep again. 30% of women who never would sleep with snore snore.

The menopause. Estrogen production begins to decline, making 30% -40% of women more often awakened in the middle of the night because a lot of sweat, his heart pounding, or complaints arising burning sensation in the chest and head.

Efforts to do to overcome sleep disorders include:
1. Avoid foods that are high in sugar (honey, syrup), caffeine (coffee, chocolate, the), cigarettes, or alcohol before bedtime.
2. Sleep and wake at regular times each day.
3. Use your bed only for sleep and sex. Not for other activities such as studying, working, reading, gymnastics, and so forth.
4. Regular exercise will make sleep more soundly and comfortably. Similarly, pregnant women, exercise can reduce the incidence of cramping in the lower leg.
5. Get used to sleeping in the dark without lights on.
6. Prayer / Prayer.
7. Do not use sleeping pills as it can cause side effects such as impaired memory, less alert, often wet, and headaches.
8. Consult a doctor, the doctor may need to give advice or certain medications such as melatonin, the hormone estrogen, and so forth.
9:46 AM | 1 comments | Read More

Sustaining Environment

Due to global warming, pollution, diminishing forests, and the limited supply of natural resources, people become more aware of the importance of protecting the environment. Waste in the environment that affect air, water, soil, animals, plants, and humans. If we use the environment as waste, we took the land from the wild, environmental pollution, and deplete natural resources.

So little by little Nature is all around us will change to a place that never would we dream for our children and grandchildren later, There are some things we can do as is done by our colleagues listed in the usual brief BlackInnovationAwards or BIA, ie make a new breakthrough or innovation to remain in harmony with nature.

- Buy products that do not require much energy and resources to manufacture. Looking for environmentally friendly products that contain packaging.
- Reduce car use by riding a bicycle, carpooling with friends, walking, or by bus.
- Composting is a way to dispose of kitchen waste. That's healthy for the soil and less waste going into landfill.
- Turn off unused lights and using energy efficient light bulbs.
- Turn off the water faucet when brushing your teeth.
- Use cloth grocery bags instead of plastic bags. They can be used repeatedly.
- Metal cans and plastic containers can be used to store items.
- Donate your old clothes, furniture, and toys to charity, or give to a neighbor, a friend in need

Well so little tips that we will strive together to preserve the environment, it's time for our young people can support the positive activities undertaken by our colleagues in BlackInnovationAwards and the like so that more and more new Innovations that we can use later dikelak days.

Good luck!
6:49 AM | 3 comments | Read More

10 Ways to Keep the Environment We

Written By Let Loving Earth on Thursday, July 26, 2012 | 11:43 PM

Below are 10 tips to keep our environment:

A. Replace light bulb with a CFL
Many of us know that the small fluorescent lamp (light bulb compact flouresecent / CFL) is an energy saving light bulbs age longer than ordinary light bulb, also only require at most a quarter of the energy required for the ordinary light bulb produces the same bright light.
Some CFL products often include ENERGY STAR label which means it has tested the quality and efficiency. It has a label products are usually more expensive than products that do not have it. But make no mistake, the electrical equipment we buy is not determined only the price of the purchase price, but most do not care the price of electricity usage charges for the equipment. So even though the ENERGY STAR labeled CFL product purchase price is more expensive, but we actually save money in the long-term use because of the electricity used ENERGY STAR-labeled products is much smaller and longer shelf life.
Not only that, an ordinary light bulb uses a glowing wire or metal as light sources also produce carbon dioxide (CO2) during the operation.
Then to conserve electricity, the simple things we can do is turn off unneeded lights, or reduce the lighting of the lamps when sunlight can enter the room and can be quite light up the room.

2. Changing the way drive or use another vehicle
The bad news of a car can generate at least as much carbon dioxide produced by the residents of your household and excessive carbon dioxide is one of the causes of global warming. The good news, we can anticipate it in various ways.
The first way is to use the vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas. Vehicles with fuel gas is safer for the environment, but for now more expensive than vehicles with fuel oil.
The second way is to reduce driving. This thing is pretty hard to do. Because the riders usually have a tendency to further driving again in the next. It can be anticipated by telecommuting (working from home using a computer connected to the computer where you work) or by using public transport. Two things are pretty hard to do in Indonesia, as both facilities are still inadequate.
The third way is to do tune-ups on your vehicle. Believe it or not, tune-ups can improve fuel efficiency of your vehicle up to half.
The fourth way is not speeding. Speeding was fast, but fuel is used up too much. As a result of carbon dioxide produced too much.

3. Set the room temperature
One of the major electrical energy use is for air conditioning equipment (Air Conditioner / AC). Replacement of old AC could be one alternative, because the old air conditioner has a lower efficiency of up to one third of a new type of air conditioner efficiency. And do not forget to clean and filter ventiasi of AC, because a dirty filter and ventilation can dramatically reduce the efficiency of air conditioning.
The next way is to set the appropriate temperature, not too cold. Because the temperature is too cold settings require greater electrical energy. Temperature settings can be done by installing a programmable thermostat.

4. Defeat the refrigerator
Believe it or not the fridge could be the biggest energy glutton in your house if operated improperly. To prevent this, there are some things you can do.
Do not operate the refrigerator near heat sources, or put it under the sun. Do not forget to clean the condenser refrigerator to improve the efficiency of the refrigerator. Do not forget to close the refrigerator door. Do not set the refrigerator temperature is too cold, just enough. Then if there is the "Energy Saver", do not forget activated. But if your refrigerator is old, maybe you could consider replacing a refrigerator with a new refrigerator, because it can increase the efficiency of refrigerators by 50%.

5. Reduce use of water heaters
Water heating is one of the major users of electrical energy. For use with efficient water heaters do the following. Do not turn the water heater all the time, turn on only when it needs it, use a timer if necessary. Equip hot water pipes with insulation to keep the water hot for inside the pipe.

6. Set the plants
Planting trees is only good for short term because of too many trees also produce carbon dioxide. But there are other reasons that can be used, eg to reduce cooling costs by shutting down the cooling or heat certain rooms from direct sunlight.
For the selection of plants, you should use that requires little water. Choose perennials. If using plants that need lots of water, place the huddle to conserve water usage and adjust the humidity around the plant.

7. Investment for green energy
A moment later the mines could run out of oil. Then how the solution for a new energy source. Until now enough resources worth considering is the source of nuclear energy and gas. Nuclear energy produces radioactive sources that have negative effects in the long term. While the gas energy is renewable, but the energy produced is relatively small. So perhaps the source of gas energy can be used as a transition before the discovery of new energy sources the better. So why are we not investing in new energy discoveries.

8. Thinking of organic
Pesticides are used diperkebunan was used to kill crop pests, but the dead are not only pests, but also that there are micro-ground oranisme binding element that serves to enrich the soil carbon. So after the micro-organisms die, the carbon released into the air as carbon dioxide, and ground into fertilizer need for additional fertilizer. So better not to use chemical pesticides to repel pests, may consider to use other means to repel pests such as by using a predator of the pest.

9. Using recycled goods
Producing recycled goods is easier than producing new goods. So if we use recycled goods, we can increase trade while also minimizing energy use. Not only that, the recyclables are usually much cheaper than the new stuff, get to third.

10. So a minimalist
These things are not easy. While consumption patterns increasingly popular in the community, difficult for Us to make savings. But remember, the more goods we buy, the more energy is used to make goods. So to save energy, we better save. Better creative work, games and entertainment, as to be able to do everything that does not have to use the new stuff, old stuff can be used again in a creative way.
11:43 PM | 4 comments | Read More

How To Maintain Green Environment

Currently, when you look around you, all you can see is a pile of garbage is dumped on the streets, dirty river, and pollution in the air and on land! Gone are the days when our environment is clean and fresh. Why? What happens to our environment now?  Is it really possible to maintain a green environment? Is it really important to keep it always clean? Well, the answer to this question is absolutely "Yes!" Some people think that maintaining cleanliness around us is difficult and impossible. They may be wrong! Everyone can do a lot of ways to keep our place neat and fresh. Regardless of age, young or old, everyone can help create a green environment.  

Below are a few of the many ways that we can do to keep clean:  

1. Do not Make Too Much Pollution Pollution is the biggest problem in any place in the world today. It comes in various forms such as air, water and soil pollution. Although contamination can not be avoided especially now that the industrial sector increases, still, we can at least minimize the causes of it.  

2. Observe the 3 R 3 R's, or what is sometimes known as the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle considered the most important and effective in maintaining cleanliness all around us. Reducing the use of elements that are harmful to our environment. Recycle some items such as paper, plastic glass, to minimize emissions of carbon dioxide when these things are just burned. Reusing some of the bottles, plastic bags and containers to reduce waste in the vicinity. 

 3. More Tree Planting Most of our forests are now bare. As a result, we are not breathing clean air and fresh again. Plant more trees can be very helpful in keeping our environment clean. With many trees in the forest, they help to increase the overall amount of oxygen levels that are beneficial to the environment, plants, animals and humans. 

 4. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Materials Do not you know that the cleaning agent you use at home and at your workplace can also cause damage to our environment? Yes, you've just read that correctly. There are some chemicals that carry too much harm to our environment. So always choose the environmentally friendly cleaning materials to keep our environment clean and green. Continuous use of environmentally friendly materials will save our world for future generations.
11:41 PM | 1 comments | Read More

Always Learning to Love the Earth

Written By Let Loving Earth on Monday, July 23, 2012 | 11:25 PM

Do good to love and protect the earth has to start from small things and sederhana.Salah them is wise at the time of study.
You see, consciously or not many things that we sacrifice the time to learn. For example, from paper to use electricity or lights that are not wise.

The following are things we can do while learning to be quite wise to love the earth:

Cut the scrap paper into four sections and use as notes sederhana.Lumayan can be used as a simple notes, for example: recorded list of Things-to-do, calculate formulas, cross-streaks or other records.
Completed using a computer or laptop, do not forget to turn it off, do not leave it in stand-by position (hibernating, sleep, or anything else). Because at this moment, there is still energy is wasted. If we use a computer or a laptop all day, mininal turn off the computer screen when we will meninggakannya. In addition to eating a lot of electricity, radiation emitted from the display monitors are also not good for our health.
While studying, you should use only light we learn another room and turn off lights when not in use. In addition to more focused when illuminated books or papers are read, the lamp type is also more energy efficient.
Empower USB (flasdisk) to save our favorite tasks or presentation documents kita.Setiap when we need data that stay open on the computer. So, we are more able to save paper by not ngeprint data.
Advanced age of the Internet that already like this, we can use, for example, use e-mail or chat for group work. Of the pollution with ketemuan make it somewhere. Or use the e-book to find materials our job.
Fill money ink / printer, ink cartridge we do not waste it. Because the cartridge was wasted ink and the packaging could contaminate water in the soil difficult to unravel.
11:25 PM | 1 comments | Read More

Planet Earth near END? - Love our home!!

3:56 AM | 1 comments | Read More

animated pictures of the Earth

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Keep the temperature of the Earth remains

12:25 AM | 0 comments | Read More


Hello friend how he was doing these days? certainly remarkable baikkan?
And welcome Let me say at the Loving Earth unntuk always let us all love our planet.
12:17 AM | 1 comments | Read More